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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

I am finally here!

Greetings Friends!

With our well known weather issues in Washington, DC, I have decided to take on the previously postponed task of initiating a blog. Yes, while I usually have a forward vision I'm just not up to speed on writing.  Ironically, they usually do go hand in hand.  As I welcome you to my future snap shot of things that are inspiring, interesting and what I find, I hope you will add me to your reading circle.  You can always visit my website for Bright Design Group to learn more of what I do as a day job.  

It may have gone unrecognized but many years ago the world of art and design collided with interiors to produce some stunning objects. So, it is no long correct to think that money buys the best of design. While naturally there are elements in any space which will require you to fork over some bucks for craftsmanship and heirloom longevity, the basis of interesting objects can be found in so many numerous places.  Some of these I will share along my blogging path while some of my favorite haunts need to remain quiet (so I don’t get the masses in my way while shopping).

With this inaugural posting, I again welcome you and invite you back.   Now, you must remain patient as I stir around what to post and add. I will provide a feast for the eyes and information in a different format then probably expected.

Live defined,

Jim Bright

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